October 8, 2022
Published in Chelsea Community News
By Scott Stiffler
Where there’s a will, there’s a way. That’s no mere cliché—at least not at West 23rd Street and 11th Avenue, where a newly installed sign reminds those headed toward Hudson River Park that its bike lanes, green spaces, play areas and yes—even the Comfort Station at Chelsea Waterside Park—are there, in part, because of the Robert Trentlyon. A ubiquitous presence for decades at any given gathering meant to improve conditions in Chelsea, the longtime local’s December 7, 2021 passing left behind a body of work that’s being built upon by family members, friends, activists, and advocates—many of whom recently gathered for a dedication ceremony distinguished by a series of testimonials demonstrating the honoree’s positive impact on publishing, politics, public works, and, most tellingly, people. CONTINUE READING